Meghalaya: Will the rule of Law prevail over A. L. Hek’s son- Will he be convicted or released?


By MAYBORN LYNGDOH R | April 09, 2018


The Editor

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Following a recent incident of a Meghalaya MLA's son being involved in a tragic road accident that led to the death of a cop associated with Shillong Jail while critically injuring another constable of Meghalaya police, a question that has been lurking in people's mind is that, "Will the minster's son ever be convicted or will he be out on bail for he happens to be the son of Meghalaya  Health Minister, AL Hek.

READ | Meghalaya: Mercedes driven by Health Minister's son hits motorbike killing a cop, injuring another

Many have come up with arguments as below:

1. Frustrated citizens of Shillong who have lost all hope in the judiciary – "He will not be convicted because he is a minister's son". This statement has become a household phrase because of the weak implementation of laws on the elite few.

2. Informed citizens of Shillong – "He will be let off because there are no witnesses" while others are of the opinion that "since a police man was killed in the road-rash, actions will be taken. If it was a layman then the case would be shut".

3. Politically inclined citizens of Shillong – The case is now interesting because a Garo policeman was killed. Since our New Chief Minister is a Garo and the New Home Minister is also a Garo then maybe out of mutual sympathy and driven by political emotionalism and the pressure from the Garo citizens then maybe the case will take a new form.

However, others are of the opinion that if action is taken then BJP will part itself from the new government that will ultimately crumble as it's foundations are laid by BJP and Mr. Hek is it's patriarch.

4. Observative citizens of Shillong – The Health Minister's son will be proven innocent, and will find it difficult to be charged under any IPC Sections because according to the Presumption of Innocence in the Evidence Act:

"Our laws are based on the Common Law and equality of law. One of the important and well-known principles is that a person is believed to be innocent till the guilt is proved'.

There were no witnesses is the claim, even though every local newspaper highlights the incident with the exact timing, that is, the incident took place at 12:45 AM at Fourth Furlong road to Polo.

The above is just a theoretical assumption.

The truth is something we will never know of – what happened or what went wrong or what is going to happen. Maybe the cops rode on the wrong lane; maybe the Minister's son is innocent or maybe even guilty. In the meantime, let's dwell on a maybe because we have always been contented with a maybe!

Yours faithfully,

Mayborn Lyngdoh R

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