Meghalaya :Was the GNLA Commander betrayed by his own leading to his arrest ?


Meghalaya police has met with some success and caught   top Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA) militants from Dobu in East Garo Hills. The GNLA area commander Chekan Marak, 35 alias Bawang, was apprehended along with another cadre by the name Ronseng Marak.  Surprisingly, the dreaded insurgents were not in the jungles but were taking relief in an house, thereby giving indication of inputs and local intelligence from the area. The police apprehended the duo at 5:30 am. "Chekan is a senior cadre of the outfit belonging to the 2nd batch and was a senior commander. He was involved in many heinous crimes/terrorist activities including the thrashing of villagers in Pakregre in 2014", said Davis Marak, SP of East Garo Hills.

For the record it must be complemented that the Meghalaya Police force has really worked hard on local intelligence and this is now yielding results.

It is believed that the dreaded insurgent is allegedly well connected to some of the political leaders and was keenly supporting one of the candidates in the GHADC elections.For its part GNLA has always stated that they remain an a political outfit .

The SP has also informed that Chekan was involved in the killing of a cadre Riknang Sangma alias Wanding. Police claimed that Ronseng was operating under the command of GNLA's deputy commander-in-chief Rupanto Marak. The SP informed that they were hiding at Dobu for the past two weeks and they have been closing monitoring them. On interrogation the two cadres revealed that the outfit has been split into smaller groups, as there is increase police operation in South and East Garo Hills..

Only recently the DGP of Meghalaya had stated that he was unhappy by the way operations were being conducted in the Garo Hills.When enquired if this arrest will open up a pandora's box between the politician-GNLA nexus ,the cops did not want to say anything further till the investigation.