Meghalaya students cry for safety as Rape hits children even before Puberty!


By SHWETA RAJ KANWAR | April 18,2018

There was a time when the only things that worried school going children were assignments, tests and friendship fights, when eve teasing was an act dreaded by girls and when boys were considered gentlemen if they did not indulge in eve teasing. But times have changed for the worst. Children are more concerned now about their safety when they have to stay for long hours in school because the walk back home becomes a serious affair- thanks to the increase in the number of child molestation cases in India in general and Meghalaya in particular. Children now are hit by 'Rape' even before 'Puberty' hits them: this is what things have come to!

"I am scared of coming out of my house after dinner because I do not know what might happen to me", says a student of Loreto Convent, Shillong while taking part in a silent march at the school premises demanding justice for the brutal rape victim Asifa and all others who unfortunately became victims of the heinous act.

"I am pained to know that such a small girl was exploited in the most brutal manner, its a shame that the victims have not been punished till now", said another student.


There was a time when schools organized excursion trips and picnics for students but now, we have arrived at a point when a silent march needs to be held by the students to voice for the victim who was brutally murdered. Times have changed, but definitely for the worse.

"But again, incidences like these are making our girls stronger and mentally prepared", says a teacher of the school while adding, "We have organised this rally for the protection of girl child because they have heard and seen all the atrocities to the girls in India, especially to Asifa and this instilled and urge in our children to do something for her. They wanted to go out in the city but keeping in mind the traffic congestion, we decided to hold the march within the school premises. It is important for us to be conscious of what is happening within us and our society first before we stand up for our fellow countrymen. We all need to rise up together and conscientise those people carrying out such atrocities. This is the need of the hour for not only our school but also the whole of Shillong".

"I wish more and more people would come forward and speak against these crime against women and children. It is sad to hear that India is also called the 'Rape Capital' of the world. Despite many good things happening around us, these crimes take the centre stage and it is high time to stand up against them. The time for silence is over now. It may not affect us personally but what affects others should affect us because we are all human beings and the feeling of humanity should sink deep into us and we must learn to speak up and the silent march like the one conducted today will help in further spreading awareness among not only our girls but also to others".

It was saddening to see these young minds being troubled by thoughts such as rape, molestation and crime against women while taking a stand to fight for the justice of rape victims all over the country. And this is what should trouble us at this hour!

Has our society stooped so low that our children need to stand up against a crime like this? Have we completely lost faith in the law and order of the country? Why is a mass movement necessary for punishing a rapist? Should not the law follow its course and do the needful? What impression of the judiciary will these students have?

These are not just questions, they are the reality in which we live. Just punishing the perpetrators is not enough, what is needed is to address the trouble by identifying the root of it. It is time for a societal renaissance for the future of the nation is at stake!

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