Did you Know : Highest number of players in I League belong to Mizoram


Mizoram has long been considered along with Manipur as the citadel of Indian Football.But over the years both the states have never had any representation in the I league (This is before Aizawl FC finally made an entry this year )

Read also In conversation with Malsawmzuala, the footballer from Mizoram to watch out for

The northeast which has had teams from Meghalaya and Sikkim represent the I League such as Rangdajaied United,Shillong Lajong,Royal Wahingdoh and United Sikkim also featured many players from Mizoram .

But it is indeed heartening to see that a state with a population of just 11 lakhs has managed to usurp all the other states in terms of footballers playing at the highest level .

Like they say you don't need quantity to produce quality – Mizoram is a perfect example

photo credit www.inkhel.com