An open letter to Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma


The Editor
Dear Sir/Ma'am,

In view of the recent proposal made by the Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Mr. Conrad Sangma to External Affairs Minister of India, Sushma Swaraj to moot the Work Permit of Bangladeshi Nationals in our State and country, I wish to send our beloved Chief Minister a message through this open letter via your medium.

The New Chief Minister of Meghalaya,
Mr. Conrad Sangma.

Respected Sir,

Subject – Work Permit for Bangladeshi Nationals.

With reference to the subject cited above, I would like to enlighten you that the state is already "SUFFERING" from the stigma of "UNEMPLOYMENT" and here you are mooting the "Work Permit" for the Bangladeshis in our state and country.

Let me warm your Excellency with a simple question:

What is the value of a Master's Degree in Meghalaya?

A student holding a Master's degree in any subject holds a Master's Degree no greater than that of a graduate and sometimes the degree is of lesser value than that of a Class XII pass.

The patriarch predecessors of the Government in Meghalaya has devalued a Master's degree. A Master's degree is only good on paper and pleasing to the ears.

Allow me to explain –
Approximately, 90% of the Government posts in our state that are available to apply for; the minimum qualifications required starts with class VIII pass and the highest being Bachelor's (any stream).

For instance:
Police department – In the last three years of my observation, the vacant posts are for either Constables or Sub-inspectors. (Qualifications required – Class XII pass and Bachelor's)

Teaching – B.A. (B.ed) and B.A. (D.El.Ed.) are the only qualified catch for the Deficit and SSA pay scale.

Ad-hoc does accept a Master's Degree, but the problem with that, is that most schools are looking to employ more teachers with a Master's degree tagged with B.ed with a hope of being provincialised, and colleges will not take in without Master's tagged with NET (National Eligibility Test).

Government offices – Most offices are very adamant based on qualifications; which is fair. A Master's Degree holder is not allowed to apply for the post of a peon or driver because they are deemed "OVER QUALIFIED".

With that being said, the minimal scale pay of a Peon is Rs 17,800 to be exact. If a Master's Degree holder is willing to work as a peon with his or her qualifications, I do not find it difficult for the employers to employ them.

Note: It is also obvious that we will not want to work as a peon with our degree. It's a mockery to our Degree. But why are we willing to do so should also be another question to be discussed.

Private enterprises – Private enterprises are such life savers. They employ the cream – the very qualified and efficient from the lot at the cheapest rate.


Does having a Master's degree mean that one is qualified to be subjected to exploitation of qualification?

Very often, I find my Master's comrades landing an officiating job in some school or college at Rs 200 and Rs 300 per day. In some cases it's lesser than that, whereas a daily labourer – let's take a coolie for example, now values at Rs 450 or Rs 500 per day.

P.S. There are minimal or no posts for Masters' except some that arrives like Halley's Comet once in every three to four years.

Flawed system – When you have unqualified Ministers dictating office, recommended rich brats flooding the government posts and relatives and friends of these excuse of a human being, holding responsible public posts, it is only expected to witness what we witness.

As of 30th June 2016 statistics, 39,472 unemployed youths have registered with the Employment Exchange in the various districts. It is pretty certain that the number of the unregistered is also alarmingly high.

Where will our youths go?!

Pardon me for being a keen observer, but I am critical that there are a good number of Bangladeshis that are already working with big contractors. These Contractors fish cheap Bangladeshi labour and employ them at cheaper rates. As a result, most of our own citizens are left jobless. These then go on to get themselves a Pan-card and an Epic to become full-fledged citizens of India. How? That is a universal truth that every citizen of Meghalaya is aware of. I do not deem it important to comment.

These are then used as vote banks. These needed a home, a job and a right of an Indian citizen. They are given all the above, allegiance is something they must pay to someone.

The growing number of voters in every constituency is something that must be monitored very meticulously.

Where will our labourers go? How will development come? From where will we progress?

We are already populated with illegal immigrants who are now proud citizens of India, and your grace's short-sightedness is only going to drain the life out of this beautiful state of Meghalaya of which we call 'Home'.

As a citizen of Meghalaya, I hope you address to the need and angst of the citizens of your country and more so of the people of the state of Meghalaya first which is "THE NEED OF THE HOUR". Discussions on International issues can be discussed once the problems of unemployment of our people are met at.

Thank you,
With utmost sincerity,
(Citizen of Meghalaya, India)
Mayborn Lyngdoh R.

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