Nepal PM Oli expelled from ruling party amid political unrest


NEW DELHI: Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Sunday was expelled from the ruling Nepal Communist Party following his decision to suspend the lower house of the parliament on December 20, 2020, giving rise to political unrest in the Country.

"His membership has been revoked," a spokesperson Narayan Kaji Shrestha told ANI.

The party had earlier threatened to expel Oli from the party by taking to the streets over his announcement to dissolve the parliament and conduct fresh elections.

"We ousted Oli from the post of Chairman of ruling NCP. Now, we will take disciplinary actions against him as he is not fit to remain a member of the Communist Party and we have ordered him to provide clarifications. He has not replied to us till date," Madhav Kumar Nepal, NCP leader had reportedly said.

He added that a letter seeking explanation was sent to Oli, to which he has not responded yet.

"No one should be under the impression that the NCP would bow down to KP Oli. It will never happen as we do politics on the basis of value and beliefs," he commented.

Prime Minister had earlier dissolved the parliament on December 20, 2020, and ordered for new elections on April 30, and May 10, 2021.

Meanwhile, Oli has also been accused of allying with China, and drifting ties from Nepal's long-term partner India since his assumption to power.

(Edited by Gabriel G Momin)