Myanmar protestors hold "silent strike" after killing of seven-year-old by security forces



Following the killing of a seven-year-old by Myanmar's security forces, protestors held a "silent strike" in the country on Wednesday.

The minor Khin Myo Chit was gunned down by the military in Mandalay on Tuesday, becoming the youngest victim in the military's crackdown on civilian opposition since February 1.

Reportedly, she was killed during a military raid in her home while she was resting on her father's lap.

According to the victim's older sister, the military had questioned the father if everyone was at home.

"When the father said yes, they accused him of lying and shot him, but hit the girl instead," the surviving older sister was quoted by Myanmar Now.

Meanwhile, sources confirmed that several hundred prisoners, who were arrested during the crackdown, were freed from the prison.

As per Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reports, at least 275 people have been killed since the military took over.

An NGO - Save the Children (STC) reported that more than 20 of those who died were children.

STC further claimed to have responded to 146 cases of child arrests, 488 students being held by security forces.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has announced new sanctions against Myanmar's chief of police, Than Hlaing, and its Bureau of Special Operations commander, Lt. Gen. Aung Soe. (With inputs from ANI)

(Edited by Gabriel G Momin)


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